Individual Liberties
Individuals should be able to make their own choices. What someone chooses to put in their body, who they marry, how they live their life... anything that is a personal choice; should not be up to the government to decide.

Military and Veterans
As a Veteran myself, I believe we can do more for my fellow Vets. Retirement pensions should not be taxed for those who have dedicated their career to the protection of our country. Healthcare should be more accessible for those who live further from the VA in White River Junction or other smaller clinics.

The Right to Bear Arms
The right of the people to keep and bear arms is a fundamental human right which is clearly guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment and Article 16 and it shall not ever be infringed. This is not just about being allowed to have a gun. The right to protect yourself, your family, your property, is something that cannot be taken away. When we are no longer allowed this basic human right, that is when we will be most vulnerable.

Our children are our future, we should ensure they are getting the support and programs they need to excel. Common core is not providing that. We also need to responsibly allocate the funds necessary to legitimately improve school safety.

We are continuously having more and more taxes put on us, adding further financial burden to VT residents. We need LESS taxes, not more.

Plain and simple, we need to take better care of our lakes, ponds, and rivers to preserve the habitats of many species and for future generations to enjoy.

Many roads in VT seem to get repaved unnecessarily, while others are in disrepair and continue to be neglected. This practice needs to stop.